Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Identity Theft pt. 6

I don't know about you, but I don't buy things I have no purpose for.  I can't recall a time that I went into a store and just bought something that I had no intention of using.  If I am going to purchase something I have a reason for buying it.  I think that is true of God too.

Our final "lie" in this Identity Theft series has to do with our purpose, our usefulness in God's kingdom.  Unfortunately many people believe these lies...

LIE #6

Scripture tells us that we have been purchased by God. He purchased us with the blood of His Son Jesus.  In Colossians 1:14 Paul uses the word "redemption."  To redeem means to "gain possession of something in exchange for payment."   Biblically these words redemption and redeem were used in the context of paying the price for the freedom of a slave.   

If we have been redeemed, it is important to know a few things about that.

  • From what have we been redeemed?
  • How have we been redeemed?
  • For what have we been redeemed?

The Bible speaks of our redemption and gives answers to these questions all over the New Testament. God's plan of redemption and rescue is the theme of the New Testament and therefore all throughout it.  With a brief study of just three passages (Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 3:3-7 and Galatians 4:3-7) we find several answers to these questions.

God's purchase of us through Jesus redeems us from sin, death, and the holy wrath of God against our sinfulness. It frees us from enslavement to the principles of the world. This redemption releases us from being driven by our desires and pleasures.

How have we been redeemed? God in his great love for us, entered our world as the person of Jesus and took upon himself the penalty and punishment of sin.  He died on the cross in our place, for our sins. By putting our faith (trust, reliance, dependence, belief) in his sacrifice, his payment is applied to us. His punishment can be our punishment. His righteousness becomes our righteousness.

Through this we are redeemed for a purpose God has established for us. We are to pursue good works that God has prepared in advance for us to be involved in. We are purchased out of slavery to this world and into His family as a heir. We now live in the identity of Christ living for the purposes of God.

Many even after they have been redeemed (saved) deny the purposes that God has for them. They view themselves according to the lies that they are too broken, too sinful, not good enough, not talented enough to be used by God. Many view themselves similar to a rusty, old, broken down car.

They fail to realize that through Jesus they have been redeemed, bought for a purpose. And Jesus makes all things new. We have been given a new life, new purpose, new identity. He has qualified us, delivered us, transferred us, and made us new. In Christ, God doesn't view us as broken or beat up. He views us as whole, righteous and useful. Why wouldn't we want to take a drive in our new identity and be used by him?

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