Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Identity Theft pt. 4

Have you ever felt trapped? Have you ever felt stuck in an endless cycle? Have you ever felt like you would never get victory over a certain sin? Ever felt helpless?

Many people are trapped in a cycle of lies that rob us of who we are in Christ. But it is the Truth that sets us free. One truth in particular is found in Colossians 1:13 and says, "He has delivered us from the domain of darkness..." He, Jesus, has set us free. Free to live. Free to obey. Free to have victory.

What is the Domain of Darkness?
The domain of darkness is the realm of sin and Satan.  It is the system of this world that lures us away from the beauty of Christ.  It is where the thirsty and starving go to gorge themselves only to walk away more hungry and parched than before. The domain of darkness is the cycle of lies that keep us running back seeking salvation, significance, and satisfaction from the things of this world.

Four Ways the Domain of Darkness Keeps us Trapped
Lures us with Promises that Don't Deliver
Whether it is retail products or car companies, vacation destinations or food producers, each are trying to sell you salvation and satisfaction. Think about the unbelievable amount of money spent on advertising, trying to convince you that you need this product, you won't be complete without this product, this product will change your life. They aren't just promising you a car, they are promising you status. They aren't just promising you a pizza, they are promising you happiness. Not just a beer, but the cure for loneliness. Not just a vacation, but an escape from the worries of this life. 

They promise and promise, but they can't deliver. They hold out salvation, significance, and satisfaction yet never come through. We end up with fuller houses and emptier wallets--waiting, wanting, hoping, yet coming back for more. In fact they know they don't make good on their promise. That's why about every 6-12 months they come out with a newer model, or improved formula--baiting us again.

Traps us with Escalating Guilt
Chasing other things to find happiness usually leads to sin, and sin leads to guilt.  This guilt drives us further into darkness, further into isolation, and further into the very sin that causes the guilt in the first place. Without any means of ridding ourselves from this guilt our fate is sealed as we plummet further and further into the rule of darkness and sin over our lives.

Imprison us by our own Independence
As we spiral further and further into the darkness the enemy keeps cheering us on in our own efforts. We are encouraged to save ourselves. To find satisfaction in ourselves. "Just be true to yourself!" "Keep trying!" "Believe in yourself!" "You don't need anyone!"  

When the focus is on our our behavior, our choices, our efforts then our desire for independence actually further imprisons us.

Enslaves us to our Sin
Like a culmination of all of the ways mentioned above we become slaves to our sin. We do things to feed it. We buy things to support it. We arrange our schedule to accommodate it. We think about ways to enhance it. We offer our bodies as sacrifices for it. Instead of it bringing us satisfaction, we end up satisfying it.

But Jesus enters in and binds up the "strong man and plunders his house" (Matt 12:29) rescuing us from the domain of darkness. His wonderful gospel is the only thing that can truly deliver on the promise of salvation, satisfaction, and significance.  The gospel cuts guilt at its root freeing us from it's power. Further, the gospel points us to the work of Another, and not ourselves.  It is through the work of Jesus on the cross and our dependence upon Him that we are saved. And lastly, as we identify with Christ, His sacrifice becomes our sacrifice, His righteousness becomes our righteousness, and His death becomes our death.  He died to sin, so to we are dead to sin. It no longer has mastery over us.

Although we may still live in this world with its constant search for salvation and significance, although we live in a world that values independence above all else, although we live in a world where the expectation is to put on a face and pretend everything is perfect, although we live in a world where people are slaves to their every desire and feeling,  in Christ, we have been delivered its domination, from its jurisdiction, from its power and its authority over our lives. Although we live in that world... that world does not have to live in us!

LIE #4

We have been delivered!

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