Tuesday, November 19, 2013

“How do you pick what to preach on?”

Someone asked me recently “How do you pick what to preach on?  Is there a calendar or a website that tell you? How do you know what your messages are supposed to be?”

It’s a valid question. Much of what a pastor does is a mystery to many, so I thought I would take the opportunity to share with you what goes into picking a message series.

First, there is the idea of a series.  I do not like, what I call, “hit and run” messages. I like to be in a series of messages for a few reasons. One, there is often too much information to cram into one message that it requires multiple Sundays. Two, I like the idea of giving each message in the context of other messages, so if someone missed last week, they haven’t missed everything on that topic or passage. Three, I can’t imagine having to come up with fresh topics, passages, or ideas every week. Being in a series lets me know where I’m going next. I like to have my preaching plan laid out for about 6 months.  I don’t have all the messages written, but I know generally on what topic or from what passage I’ll be speaking.  For example, I know what I’m going to preach on through June 2014.
So how do I choose what I’m going to preach on?  Well, it is a combination of factors to consider…
First I look at the needs of the church. Is there some bit of truth that they need a better understanding of?  Is there a challenge coming in the future that they need preparation for?  Is there some action they need to take or behavior they need to change? In what areas of Scripture or doctrine do they need to be fed?   However, I will not do, what I call, “manage from the pulpit.” This means that I won’t preach a message to address one person’s comment or behavior, or react to rumors through the Sunday sermon. There are times when it is appropriate to switch something up at the last minute due to major cultural or news events, or a significant crisis or circumstance in the church, but for the most part, it is best to plan your work, then work the plan.
I also consider what I’ve been learning.  Either through my own personal study of God’s Word, a book I’m reading, sermon I listen to, or conference I attend, I always like to preach something that is both meaningful and impacting to me personally.
Lastly, I listen.  I listen to what people are saying in the church to get a sense of the need, I listen to people I’ve asked to critique my preaching and I listen for God’s leading. I don’t listen for God with my ears as much as with my spirit. Through prayer, silence and much thought, I settle on a plan for the next preaching series.

What would you like to hear/study in a Sunday or Wednesday message?

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