Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Are You the Boss of This Church?

"Daddy, are you the boss of this church?"

The question came innocently from my 4 year old son. My boys know I'm a pastor, and they know that I work at the church, but they are still figuring out just what it is that I do as a pastor. Hence, the question...

It was a good question. A question that I have to ask myself. As a new solo pastor of a relatively small church, I had found myself over the past few months making several executive decisions, and seeing many changes take place.  People looked to me for direction, answers, permission, and approval. Does that make me the boss?

"No, Jesus is... and I work for Him",  I replied.

The answer seemed to satisfy my son, but does it satisfy us?  What does it really mean that Jesus is the boss of this (and the) church?  Scripture says clearly:

Colossians 1:18 "And he [Jesus] is the head of the body, the church..."

Matthew 16:18 "...I [Jesus] will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

But what does that look like nearly 2000 years later? Here are some thoughts.

Keep the Word at the Forefront of the Ministry
To acknowledge Jesus as the Head (or "boss") of the church is to faithfully present His Word. John 1:1 & 14 reveals that Jesus is the Word incarnate. Keeping the Word at the forefront of the ministry puts Jesus in His rightful spot at Head. Following the Word in our governance and operations submits to Jesus as Head. Looking to the Word for wisdom and guidance acknowledges Jesus as boss. When we think that we have a better solution, a more relevant approach, or a less offensive method we diminish Jesus' Headship in our church. 

Give them Jesus
Too often people who come to church walk away with something other than (and less than) Jesus. They might leave with a slick four-step plan to better their life, or a sense of awe in the pastor's ability to communicate, or how smart he is. They might leave uplifted by the music... but without Jesus it is all empty.  Jesus makes the difference in people's lives. We don't need to  try to make Jesus look better. We don't need to accessorize Jesus with popular psychology. We don't need to hook people with current entertainment trends and slip in a little "Jesus" when their not expecting it. Any such attempt would be to deny his Headship and strip Him of His authority over and in the church.  We need to give them Jesus, straight up.

"No, I'm not the boss of this church, Jesus is, and I work for Him"

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